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Former Saskatchewan Roughriders coach Ken Miller dies at 82

Former Saskatchewan Roughriders head coach and VP of football operations Ken Miller has died. He was 82 years old.
According to the team, Miller died Wednesday in Asheville, N.C., after a brief battle with cancer.
Miller helped the Roughriders get to the Grey Cup in 2007, 2009 and 2010. He was nicknamed “Grandpa” around the organization.
“Perhaps the only thing that matched his skill as a football coach was the way he made you feel in his presence,” the Roughriders said in a social media post.
“Whether you were just meeting him for the first time or knew him well, you felt his warmth and genuine kindness. We will miss him dearly.”
Miller started his coaching career in 1966 as a student assistant coach with Dickinson State. Miller ended his career as an offensive consultant for the Montreal Alouettes.
“On behalf of Rider Nation, we send our love and condolences to his wife Maureen, his family, friends and loved ones and everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.”
Miller was also inducted into the Riders Plaza of Honour as a builder in 2022.
Saskatchewan Roughriders senior historian Rob Vanstone said being around Miller was something truly special.
“I think of someone who was blessed with so much humanity and compassion and an ability to interact with anybody,” Vanstone said. “Even though he lived until 82 and that’s a long life, you want people like Ken Miller to live until 182. That’s how special they are.”
